서희수 개인전

서희수 Heesu Suh
April 25 - May 10, 2014
Exhibition Detail

서희수        HeeSu, Suh 

​​2000          M.F.A.  Ceramics Dept​​​​. ​​​​State University of NY at New Paltz. USA
1998          M.F.A.  
​​Ceramics Dept​​​​. HongIk University
​​1996          B.F.A    ​​​​Ceramics Dept​​​​. HongIk University

Solo Exhibition​

2014          Woong Gallery, Seoul
2011          "Flow", TongIn Gallery, Seoul 
2007          “something else”, Gana Art Center, Seoul 
2003          “
근거없는 두려움전”, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul
2000          “A groundless fear”, Samuel Dorsky Museum SUNY at New Paltz. USA

​​Lafayette​​​​​ Art Association National Juried competition (Lafayette Art Gallery)
2000           Aesthetics 2000 Competition (Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery) Kansas, U.S.A
2000           The All Media 2000 International Juried competition (Period Gallery) Omaha, U.S.A
2000           New York Area MFA Exhibition (Curator screening, Guggenheim Museum NY,         
                   Hunter College, Times Square Gallery) NY, U.S.A